With the advances in technology and Artificial Intelligence, it is not very difficult to deduce which are going to be the higher degrees with the most job opportunities and the most in-demand professions in 2024 and the coming years.

All careers related to Internet security or robotics and Artificial Intelligence, are the best rewarded at an economic level.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the development of technology and Artificial Intelligence, there has been a paradigm shift in the way many companies operate. As a result, many companies are obliged to obtain digital skills and the ability to adapt from each employee.

This involves strengthening soft skills, such as the ability to communicate in several languages, especially in English, but also to have the tools to express oneself in the best possible way; empathy, leadership and conflict resolution are already indispensable in today’s world of work (Google’s Project Aristole).

List of some of the higher degrees with the most job opportunities in 2024

During the 2024/2025 academic year, the new higher education degrees with the most job opportunities are related to the digital sphere, business, science, engineering, the green economy and sustainability.

Here is an overview of the most popular higher education degrees and the direction they will take in 2024:

  • Business Administration and Finance. This university degree allows students to prepare for different sectors such as consultancy, human resources, logistics, marketing, etc.
  • Engineering. These types of studies are constantly evolving, so there is always a great demand for highly qualified professionals. In this type of degree you can find specialised engineering studies such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, computer science, etc.
  • Health sciences. Technological advances and Artificial Intelligence allow advances to be made in medicine, so this sector is in constant demand for professionals.
grados superiores con mas salidas laborales universitarios
grados superiores con mas salidas laborales unihabit
  • Information and communication technology. As a result of technological progress, companies require a high demand for professionals capable of developing software, cybersecurity, using artificial intelligence and data analysis.
  • Education. This is one of the higher degrees with the most job opportunities as it is in constant demand due to the retirement of professionals and the changes that arise through technological development.
  • Science. Sustainability and all its progress has meant that companies have a greater demand for professionals in this sector for areas in which sustainability and environmental protection are required.

A career means hundreds of job opportunities

Your education can give you a direction, but you will choose your own path and you will build it step by step. You can study any of the degrees with the most job opportunities and combine it with other training or passions in your professional and personal life. Whether it’s living an experience in the university residences in Barcelona or in another European city, with young students like you or travelling and volunteering. Everything you experience and the networking you do during your higher education studies will contribute to your professional life.

You can graduate as a doctor, but then work in an NGO travelling around the world, in a research centre or even in scientific dissemination. Another example is Lisa Sanders, a columnist for The New York Times and a doctor who advised the writing team of the famous series Dr. House. You see? A career gives you many other opportunities in the world of work.

Hard skills are super important and your education will be key to achieving them, but developing your soft skills is what will make the difference between you and hundreds of other job applicants.

Complete your CV at your hall of residence

Accommodation or a university residence in Barcelona can help you develop many of the soft skills that are so highly valued in the corporate sector. It also allows you to learn a new language in Barcelona through experience and practice. It is the ideal place for you to train and strengthen your strong skills.

At Unihabit we can help you with accommodation in Barcelona, Sant Cugat, Girona and Manresa. You can call +34 935 953 953 or write an email to info@unihabit.com for more information about university residences and accommodation.

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