Your stay in a university residence hall will surely be one of the best stages of your life and for this reason you should make the most of your stay. In this blog we explain how to do it.

5 tips to make the most of your stay in a residence hall

Making the decision to go and live in a residence hall is a unique and unforgettable moment. For most people, it is the first time in their life they are living away from their parents. This fact should not scare you at all, since it is perfect opportunity for both personal and professional growth.   

And how to make the most of your stay in a residence hall? How do Unihabit university students live ? Living in a residence hall implies freedom and responsibility in equal proportion. It is the key time for you as a student to achieve all the challenges you set yourself. It is also a unique opportunity to meet new people and places, to create eternal bonds and to bet on yourself.

An essential point is not to lose contact with your environment, with your roots. For this reason, we encourage you to keep in touch with both the family and your friends outside the residence, they know you best.

Our Unihabit halls of residence are different from other university halls of residence because of the personalised and familiar treatment we offer from the moment families contact us. We make sure that new residents adapt almost immediately to our facilities, we accompany them and help them to solve any issues that may arise.
At Unihabit, we have several interviews with students that will give you an idea of their day-to-day life in one of our university residence halls and will answer the question: What activities can you do in a Unihabit residence hall?

how to make the most of my stay in a university residence

Get close to other students to meet new people in the university residence.

In our university residence you will find a great advantage: meeting people from all over the world will enrich you as a person and you will get to know new cultures and lifestyles.

Decorate the room or flat in the hall of residence

Your room or university accommodation will automatically become your sanctuary, your refuge, your place of worship. Precisely for this reason, you have to feel at ease and you have to decorate and organise it as you like. You have to make your own the space that will share so many moments with you, as well as give you peace of mind.

Organisation is another key pillar

Organization is a fundamental pillar of your stay in a residence hall. From Unihabit we heartily suggest to have good study habits, as well as a healthy and balanced diet. Finding a balance between your university life and your personal life will bring you great benefits, especially physical and mental health.

We also recommend you to plan weekly schedules within your own routine, which should include moments for studying, homeworking and leisure so that you have time enough for everything.

Do not forget to play sport

Sport is one of the best tools and routines you can have to feel at ease and comfortable as it will allow you to disconnect from the daily tasks of your studies. We offer guided classes and facilities so that you can exercise your body and have the opportunity to escape from your responsibilities while focusing on yourself.

Enjoy all the facilities of the university residence hall

At Unihabit we offer a wide range of facilities and communal areas for our residents. Take the maximum profit of them and make the fullest use of them. We offer large study rooms and leisure areas, such as the patio and terrace of Unihabit Ciutat Vella. There is also a community kitchen, where you can prepare your favorite dishes with the rest of your colleagues and share it in the dining room. We even have sport facilities! 

At Unihabit Campus Montilivi you can enjoy our personal gym and volleyball court, where our residents spend afternoons and evenings.

At the Sant Cugat – Campus ETSAV student residence hall, we have a large patio and an audiovisual room where you will be able to disconnect with the rest of your fellow students while you catch up on your stay at a university residence hall.

Our university residence hall in Manresa has an outdoor picnic area including a barbecue, a multimedia room and another room with table football, billiards and ping-pong.

Whichever university residence hall you choose, you will be able to make the most of all the common areas with the rest of the residents or alone in those areas that require individual use or in the different types of accommodation.

Other tips on how to make the most of your stay in a university residence hall

Living in a university residence means a change of city in which you have lived practically all your life. Therefore, during your stay in the university residence hall, you will not only have to make the most of your stay in the facilities, but you will also have to make the most of and enjoy the city.

If you stay at one of our university residence halls in Barcelona, you will have an infinite number of opportunities both on a personal and professional level. On a personal level, the city of Barcelona offers you a long list of plans such as visiting museums, local shops as well as large international brand shops, shopping centres, a long seafront promenade and the beach, etc.

The university residence Unihabit Girona, allows you to get to know an incredible city with an infinity of cultural and gastronomic plans, while at the same time allowing you to practice outdoor sports in different parts of the city. The coastal towns of Girona, the Costa Brava, is one of the favourite areas for many tourists in summer.

The university residence of Manresa is located in one of the best areas of the city, full of shops and restaurants and very close to important places in the city, such as Passeig Pere III, or La Seu, an emblematic building of the city.

Finally, if you are staying at our university residence of Sant Cugat, it is also located on the university campus of the city, where you will be able to visit the main Modernist Museum, the Aymat House, the Cal Gerrer House Museum, the Hermitage of Sant Medir, the Parc Turo de Can Mates, the Octavia square and the Monastery of Sant Cugat.