The decoration of a university dormitory is essential for students to feel at home during their stay in our Unihabit residences.

When we are away from home, we need to feel somehow wrapped up and that our new home makes us feel comfortable. Decorating our bedroom in the best possible way will allow us to find the place of comfort where we will feel at home.

Before decorating a college dormitory…

Before we start talking about how to decorate a university dorm room, here at Unihabit we give you some tips and advice so that it is a place of comfort and does not turn into chaos:

  • Tidy and clean room. Although it may seem obvious, keeping the bedroom tidy and clean will allow the student to feel at ease, in a quiet and comfortable space in which to spend quality time. Otherwise, if the bedroom is untidy and dirty, it will produce constant stress and this will cause the student’s personal space to become a real chaos.
  • Ventilate the room. Although this may also seem obvious, ventilating the room or flat in the residence hall will allow the air to be renewed and generate greater well-being in the student’s respiratory health.
  • Distribute the furniture. If the residence hall allows it and the student can distribute the furniture, he/she must do so in such a way that the working area is located where the student will have a better concentration and the resting place is well placed in terms of the rest of the furniture.
  • Have good storage space. As far as possible, the more storage space the student has in their room, the easier it will be to keep the bedroom tidy and clean. If having a lot of storage space is impossible, the student can choose to add storage with options such as fabric boxes in which to store books, objects, or even clothes. Having organisers in the wardrobe or work area will also allow the student to maintain good organisation.
como decorar un dormitorio universitario

Here are the first steps in decorating a college dorm room:

First steps to decorating a cosy college dorm room

Once the student has the layout of the bedroom furniture ready, the first piece of furniture we think of when we talk about decorating a university bedroom is the desk. This is the space where the student will spend a large part of the time between libraries and study rooms, while doing their studies. The desk aims to provide the student with a comfortable and comfortable place to concentrate and work, with enough space and good lighting. This should be achieved by:

  • Avoid distracting items on the desk, such as electronic devices if they are not necessary for the different study tasks.
  • Have a good source of natural light such as a window. Whenever possible, the desk or study table should be located under the window or next to it. If this is not possible or there is no good natural light, a good artificial light point should be added above the desk or a floor lamp that can be directed at the desk.
  • Adding an organiser on the desk for school supplies such as pens, pencils, post-its, highlighters, etc. will keep the desk uncluttered and tidy.
  • Place a shelf to store books or other objects such as folders with notes, the computer or tablet, etc. This will also help the student to keep the space tidy and clean.
  • Putting a board on the wall will help the student to organise their homework or exam timetable and hand in assignments.
  • Adding elements such as a screen lifter or a footrest will ensure a good posture when studying.
  • Another very important and fundamental element is the desk chair, which should be comfortable, with an adjustable backrest and two armrests.
  • On the other hand, the bed is another element that can be decorated with colourful or patterned blankets, cushions, etc.
  • Also, if the bed has a bedside table next to it, this can be decorated with a small light, a photo frame, etc.

Other ideas on how to decorate a college dorm room

To decorate a cosy college dorm room, it is not necessary to invest a lot of time and money, as there are only a few basic and fundamental elements for it. However, it is up to each student to add more decorative elements and make it much more personal and cosy.

From Unihabit we bring you more ideas to decorate your college dorm room:

  • Add greenery somewhere in your room, for example with a plant or a vase of flowers, either natural or artificial.
  • Hang a picture with a picture you like, a family photo or a photo with friends.
  • Put a candle on your desk or bedside table and light it when you are studying or reading in your room.
  • Add decorations on the bookshelf such as books, a picture frame, or any object you are fond of or have been given as a gift.
  • If you have the space and the possibility, add a relaxation or reading corner with a small sofa or armchair to which you can add a cushion and a small rug.
  • Place translucent curtains on your window to add a little touch of colour to the room.
como decorar dormitorio universitario acogedor

In our Unihabit residences you will be able to choose the bedroom that best suits your needs, whether it is a single, double or triple room. Once you have the bedroom, you can start decorating it to reflect your personality and thus feel comfortable and motivated to face this new stage by making a room your own home.

Now you can start enjoying your new home at this exciting stage!

Here are some examples of our residents’ decorations: