It might not be your bedroom for life, but it will be the contingent of one of the experiences that will mark your life. For this reason, you will no doubt want to add your own touch to the first space you live in away from home. The rooms for university students are the first step in your independence, the new experience as a student. The room is small and can be a challenge, but we are here today to share some tips and resources with you about how to decorate rooms for university students.

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First of all, why is it important to take ownership of the room you are staying in? You are going to spend many hours, days and months in it and the room where you spend your time has to meet your needs and you should feel comfortable.

Room décor for university students responds to:

  • Your personality. Just like the clothes you choose, the music you listen to or the books you read go with your way of being; your student bedroom also reflects your tastes and preferences. Obviously, this can change and it is important to adapt little by little to your personal development.
  • It gives you comfort. The room will be your refuge during your study period and, apart from sleeping, it also has to be a place where you feel comfortable, relaxed and can have you space to chill out, think, study or invite friends and family.
  • It improves your mood. Slightly linked to the two previous points, a good décor in your bedroom will help you to be in a better mood because it will match your personality and needs.

That said, now we are going to share some tips with you so you can have one of the best rooms for university students.

What should I bear in mind before decorating my room?

Before starting to put furniture, clothes, books, photos and any other objects in your room, you have to make sure that you have enough space and what your priorities will be. We have spent many years in the sector and we have learned some things about rooms for university students that might save you some time.

  • Room or shared apartment?

At Unihabit, we have residential spaces with rooms and communal areas and also with shared apartments. It is important that you choose well according to your priorities, so you guarantee having the independence and comfort you need.

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  • Rules and limitations.

Ensure you know the rules of the halls, qué puedes llevar o añadir, como por ejemplo, si puedes hacer agujeros en las paredes para decorar. Dicho de paso, también es importante que revises las normas de convivencia y uso de las instalaciones.

  • How much space do you have?

You don’t have to measure in metres, but it will be a good idea to find out about the space you have before starting to move all your stuff. The rooms for university students that we have at Unihabit have a bed, wardrobe, desk and chair.

Rest and study: the two essential areas you should have in your room

You don’t need Marie Kondo to pay you a visit to know that keeping things tidy in your room will give you a certain balance and organisation and, in addition, it will affect your academic performance, mood and your comfort. Instead, the question should be: How do you manage to keep a small room tidy?

One of the practical ways to start decorating rooms for university students is by dividing the room into two areas: the rest area and another for studying.

Rest area in rooms for students

The rest area could be your bed, but in addition, you could decorate the wall and put cushions to make you comfortable without having to unmake the bed. All this will depend on the layout of your room. If you want, you can put a pouf or a sofa next to the window, so that you can get the sun when the light comes in.

A study area is a must in rooms for students

Nights spent studying can be very long, ultimately, you will want your work corner to be a place where you can concentrate.

The study area has to be the area where you get the best natural light to study and ensure you will have good ventilation. It is also important that you can concentrate without noise or distractions. In addition, you should have a space to store your books, a laptop to work on and check that the internet or wifi signal is getting through. You will be grateful that the switches are nearby so you avoid accidents with cables that cross the entire room.

Equally, you will have communal spaces where you can study and make a tea or coffee for the long nights spent working.

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Opt for a unique university experience in your own independence!

At Unihabit, we un

space and with your own

derstand the importance of having a good space to live in during your time as a student, as well as the importance of the décor of rooms for university students. Through our website, you can find out about the offer of halls that we have in Barcelona, Girona, Sant Cugat del Vallès. We have accommodation in modern neighbourhoods, with lots going on for young people, cultural life and study areas. You can always call us for personalised information or to answer any queries on +34 608 608 829 or +34 935 953 953 or you can also send us an email to