We are fully aware of the trust that families and students place in us when they choose Unihabit as their residence hall. For this reason, we like to pay attention to every detail and work hard to turn this period into a unique and unforgettable experience for students.. 

Undoubtedly, our Unihabit residences are safe residences for international and national students.

secure residence for international students

Tips for safe coexistence in Unihabit residences

In all our residences, we have five main pillars to turn Unihabit into safe residences for national and international students.

  • Video surveillance: at Unihabit, we have security cameras at building entrances and at common areas to guarantee safety so we can act as quickly as possible in the event of any incident.

  • Access control: all entry points are perfectly guarded, closed and protected from outside access

  • Presence detection: We have various sensors for surveilling common spaces by capturing movement, and for adjusting lighting and air conditioning.

  • Alarm control: at Unihabit, we have an advanced security system, which immediately alerts those in charge of the residence and the external company to guarantee the safety of the residents at any time.

secure residence for international students
  • Fire detection: we currently have a modern fire detection system. This is composed of a heat detector, a smoke detector and a flame detector interconnected with each other. It works both automatically and pushing a button.

In addition, we have concierges who watch over to turn the stay into a unique and totally personalized experience showing the maximum interest to meeting the needs of the residents.

secure residence for international students

Safe residences for university students

Discover Unihabit’s different secure residences for university students:

Residencias Unihabit Barcelona

En Barcelona, nuestras residencias UNIHABIT ofrecen alojamiento tanto en los barrios de Ciutat Vella como en Gràcia

No solamente la residencia es segura, sino que en estos últimos años la ciudad de Barcelona se ha propuesto solucionar los problemas en relación a la seguridad de los habitantes de la ciudad con diversas acciones. 

Barcelona ha realizado diversas acciones para mejorar la seguridad de la ciudad. Entre estas, ha intensificado los controles, las patrullas y los puntos más conflictivos de la ciudad. Asimismo, ha instalado diferentes dispositivos para controlar los actos delictivos de la zona de Ciutat Vella y facilitar la investigación de posibles delitos. 

A pesar del incremento de la seguridad de Barcelona, deberás vigilar y proteger tus objetos de valor en zonas muy concurridas como estaciones de bus, tren o metro o atracciones turísticas. No obstante, no hay motivos para preocuparse y considerar Barcelona como una ciudad insegura, más bien todo lo contrario. Barcelona es un destino ideal para vivir y crecer tanto personal como profesionalmente.

Unihabit Sant Cugat Residences

The Unihabit Sant Cugat – Campus ETSAV Residence Hall is ideal for architecture students at the UPC, as it is located literally next to the faculty.

For this reason, it has the security of the residence hall itself and of the university itself. It is also in a quiet residential area of Sant Cugat where you will not have any kind of problem in your day-to-day life.

Unihabit Girona Residences

Our Unihabit Girona residence hall is located in Campu Montilivi, a very quiet area surrounded by nature next to the University of Girona.

In Girona, you don’t have to worry about security for a single moment. The area, the pace of life and the city’s neighbours make the Montilivi Campus an idyllic destination where you will be able to carry out any activity in complete safety.

Unihabit Manresa Residences

This year, our catalogue has grown by acquiring the university residence in the city of Manresa. A very quiet city in the heart of Catalonia and very close to Barcelona that offers a wide variety of shops, restaurants and a good communication network with the Catalan capital.

The Unihabit Manresa residence hall is located in the heart of the university campus, next to the University of Manresa, in a very quiet area full of university life and different shops in the area.

Advantages of living in a student residence

There are several advantages to living in a university residence hall that you will not find living in any other type of accommodation. Here are some of the advantages that you should be aware of and for which you will not have to worry about anything but your studies:

  • Weekly room cleaning service
  • Gym included, all our residences offer their own gym room.
  • Proximity to the universities and the different university campuses.
  • You will be able to meet other university students from both here and abroad, so you will be able to enrich yourself culturally.
  • Unique and fun times with your fellow residents

What do you need to consider when living in a student residence?

Living in a student residence can be your next step after entering university. Therefore, you will have to take into account:

  • The location. It is very important that you choose your residence hall according to the location of your university in order to avoid long transfers by public transport.
  • Services and amenities. Your main objective is your studies, but what will you do when you are not studying? Make sure that the residence hall offers you different options to enjoy yourself, such as gym rooms, common areas to enjoy with your classmates, points of interest and leisure around the campus, etc.
  • Security. As we have mentioned above, all our Unihabit residences are located in safe and quiet areas within university campuses and with a high level of security.
  • Environment. The different activities that take place in the university residence hall may also be a key factor when choosing the residence hall.

Contact UNIHABIT and solve all your doubts about our safe residences for international and national students. Our team of professionals is at your disposal for whatever you need. Write to us at info@unihabit.com or call us on 935 953 953. We want you to be one more of the Unihabit family!