The range of possibilities for studying a postgraduate degree in Barcelona, Spain, is very broad

If you are considering postgraduate studies in Barcelona, Spain, we recommend that you take a few minutes to read our article. Choosing a postgraduate course is a great opportunity for your professional future, but it is not always easy to choose. These studies, first of all, are carried out when students have already been studying for many years and, in many cases, they must combine their studies with a full-time job, a fact that conditions and demands an extra effort from students.

However, they are an ideal opportunity to continue with the student’s training and, in addition, they allow students to specialise according to their own interests, opting for their most desired professional future.

In these cases, the offer is immense and it is highly recommended to be accompanied by the university itself, but we at Unihabit would also like to lend you a hand.

A very interesting starting point before making this decision is, without a doubt, to analyse your CV and identify any shortcomings, as these are opportunities for improvement that are within your reach.

Barcelona is also one of the main university cities in Spain and Europe and has a long list of reasons that support it and offers various academic options for students.

What is the difference between a master’s degree and a postgraduate degree?

In the case of master’s degrees, the first thing to bear in mind is the difference between official master’s degrees and continuing education master’s degrees. Firstly, official master’s degrees consist of between 60 and 120 ECTS credits spread over one or two years and must pass a rigorous quality assessment by an organisation external to the university. This type of studies may include an external internship and/or a final master’s degree project in their teaching programme. Once completed, a university master’s degree is awarded, which is recognised in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and in all European universities.

The orientation of these studies can be professional, when the study plan favours professional development and employment, or research, when it prepares the student for initiation in research, innovation or teaching activities in higher education.

posgrados en Barcelona España
posgrados en Barcelona España

Next, the lifelong learning or in-house master’s degrees have a minimum of 60 ECTS credits and, in order to gain access, it is essential to have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.

This modality does not have to pass any external assessment and it is the university itself that controls the quality of the contents. The prestige of the centre is usually a good indicator of the value of the studies offered. Likewise, the syllabus or the teaching staff are also usually good indicators.

On the other hand, a postgraduate programme is a programme that follows the completion of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. These are usually shorter and focus on a more specific topic within a particular discipline. Degrees can be courses or seminars that take place over a period of time and are usually completed within a few months. Postgraduate degrees are generally taken to acquire more advanced knowledge in a specific field and may be necessary to obtain certain jobs or to advance in an academic career.

Tips to bear in mind when studying a postgraduate course in Barcelona

  • 1. Reflect on your professional future. First of all, the question you need to answer is whether you want to specialise in the same field in which you have already trained or whether you want to explore new areas.

  • 2. Consult the existing offer.

  • 3. Research academic and professional opportunities.

  • 4. Compare curricula and competences.

  • 5. Difference between on-site and online studies. For either option, the Unihabit Ciutat Vella and Unihabit Gràcia residence halls provide you with everything you need to complete your studies.

posgrados en Barcelona España
posgrados en Barcelona España
  • 6. Find out about the entry requirements and admission criteria of each centre.

  • 7. Investigate the prestige of the centre.

  • 8. Research teachers’ curricula.

  • 9. Evaluate the timetable and duration of the course.

  • 10. Consider the price and any grants or scholarships you may be eligible for.

Universities where to study a postgraduate course in Barcelona

Barcelona is one of the cities with the best educational offer for university, master’s and/or postgraduate students. In addition, Barcelona’s universities are among the best in Europe, offering high academic standards and international recognition. In Barcelona, you will also find a different and welcoming student community and a long list of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Enjoy a culturally rich city during your time at university.

At Unihabit we have prepared a list of the best universities to study a postgraduate degree in Barcelona.

What do you need to study a postgraduate course in Barcelona?

To study a postgraduate course in Barcelona you should take into account what the university or school requires of you, as this will determine your admission. Most master’s degrees and postgraduate courses require the following:

1.An official (or officially recognised) university degree or equivalent. In some cases, exceptionally, a university degree is not required for admission.

2. Certificate of qualifications.

3.Submit a curriculum vitae.

4.Submit a letter of motivation.

5. In some cases, an interview.

However, if this is the first time you travel to Barcelona to study, you will have to take into account other factors such as:

  • Documentation. This may vary if you are an EU resident or not. If you are an EU citizen, you will only need to complete the Central Foreigners’ Registration, but you will need a student visa.
  • Familiarise yourself with the city. Find out all the universities where you can study your postgraduate degree and which companies you can join to enter the world of work afterwards, whether it’s an internship or an employment contract. Studying is the main objective, but don’t forget to enjoy your experience in Barcelona! For this reason, you should also familiarise yourself with other elements of the city such as museums, theatres, nightclubs, restaurants, gyms, concert halls, etc.
  • Get to know your future accommodation. Our university residences will give you a guided tour on request and our team will show you around and explain everything about your future at Unihabit.
  • Be prepared for emergencies. If the case arises, you will need to know who or where to turn to. As in the rest of Europe, Spain has a solid infrastructure of emergency services:
    • General emergency number for police, fire, rescue and ambulance: 112
    • Police: 091
    • Health emergencies: 061
    • Fire and rescue: 080
    • Local police: 092

Our Unihabit team is available to help you whenever you need it during your stay in the residence.

Contact us to find out more about our halls of residence

At Unihabit we have university residences in Barcelona, Sant Cugat, Girona and Manresa, specially designed to guarantee students an unforgettable experience. If you want to know more about us, you can write to us at, or call us on 935 953 953 or 608 608 829.