Do you remember ever having seen on televison and a group of people dressed in the same colours grouping together to support others who climb on their shoulders?

These are the castellers, human towers that have been built for more than 200 years in Catalonia and that, nowadays, are one of the main pillars of Catalan culture.

From Unihabit student residences we want to provide a little guide for what the castellers are all about and leave some links for the closest groups to you!

Casteller glossary

  • Casteller clothing: The outfits of each casteller group is always the same. White trousers, plus neckerchief, sash and shirt of the colour of the casteller group (each has their own).
  • Castle structure: The castles are erected very high, for this reason, strength and teamwork are essential for it to work. Each tower always has the same structure so as to remain stable and upright.
  • Bulk’: this is the base of the castle, where most peple are situated, all pushing towards the centre.
  • Trunk: these would be the lower levels of the castle. Depending on the height more or less people are needed.
  • Higher tiers: these refer to the 3 top tiers that always follow the same structure: dosos, acotxador and enxaneta.


  • Lining: this is a part of some castles that serves to reinforce the second and third tiers.
  • Handcuffs: a part of some castles that serves to reinforce the third and fourth tiers.
  • Naming: The name of each castle depends on its height and the amount of people on each tier. The first name represents the pillars that make up the trunk and the second name refers to the total amount of tiers. In this way, a castle of 4 by 7, refers to a castle with 4 people on each tiers and a total of 7 tiers high.

Casteller contest in Tarragona 2018

On the weekend of the 7th and 8th of October 2018 the largest casteller contest in Catalonia will take place in Tarragona. It takes place every 2 years and only the best casteller groups will take part.

Each castle recieves a score depending on its level of difficulty and so, of course, each group will try to make it’s best and most difficult castle. It is a spectacular event, full of exitement, passion and culture. Moret han 40 casteller groups will take part!

Do not miss it! Check further information here

castellers _unihabit

Find your own casteller group

Casteller groups are open to everyone, so if you want to get involved, do not hesitate and contact your local group! Moreover, each university has its own!

List for university casteller groups close to Unihabit residences:

Make the most of your university experience and discover the art of the castellers, a fundamental pillar of popular Catalan culture!

universitary residences